For a Wildlife Rehabber, Joy in August is Possible

By the time August rolls around, wildlife rehabilitators are fried. There have been months of late-night phone calls, hordes of orphans, and lots of less-than-satisfying encounters with the public, who, shall we say, don’t always have the best interests of wildlife at heart. Here is a typical wildlife rehabber near the end of August:               But then something amazing happens. Perhaps a bird you thought was a goner suddenly comes back to life. A surgery with a dicey prognosis is a complete success. The local woman with five outdoor cats finally decides to keep all of them inside. A heroic person goes far out of their way to rescue an injured wild creature. And you are so, so tired, but suddenly life is so, so beautiful … which means your way of showing joy is tinged with dementia. Who knew that the lead singer for The Trashmen was actually a bird rehabber?