10,000 Birds Writers Emeritus

Over the years, 10,000 Birds has had many wonderful people write on the blog.  Some no longer do.  This is who those ex-10,000 Birds bloggers are and where you can find them now.

Charlie Moores blogged on 10,000 Birds from 2007 until early 2011 and was vital to the success of 10,000 Birds shifting from an individual blog run by Mike to a group blog with Charlie, Mike, and Corey all providing content.  Charlie can now be found at his podcasting website, Talking Naturally, and on Twitter.

Sharon Stiteler blogged here from 2010 through 2014, contributing over seventy posts on both the Upper Midwest and Bird Feeding. She can still be found at birding festivals and on her popular birding blog, Birdchick.com.

Jory Langner was our long-time Avian Quizmaster from before when 10,000 Birds added the Beat Writer concept.  He stumped everyone so often that challenging birders lost its fun and he hung up his keyboard in October of 2011.  You can’t find him online unless you look very hard.

Julie Zickefoose shared her amazing take on the natural world here from 2010 until 2012 before deciding to focus on all of the other many things that she does and does well. You can keep up with her on her original, self-titled, blog.

Clare Kines was our excellent Arctic Canada beat writer from 2010 until 2013 before he decided he had blogged everything that could be blogged about birds in the Canadian Arctic. Apparently, you can only say so much about ravens. Here’s hoping his work might start showing up again on his original blog, The House & other Arctic Musings.

Christopher Ciccone was the New England beat writer at the end of 2010 before he decided that he could no longer commit to blogging on a schedule.  You can find him in Massachusetts or on his original blog, Picus Blog.

David Ringer was an excellent addition as our specialist on Taxonomy and Systematics. His blogging spree here lasted for over four years and we miss his expertise.

Carlos Sanchez shared his perspective on South Florida Birding for well over three years before focusing more on guiding. He’s the best person to get you on the South Florida specialties and you can find him at EcoAvian Tours.

Jochen Roeder was one of our original beat writers and he brought an amazingly unique perspective to his Central Europe and Bird Names beat. We sorely miss him and hope that someday he comes back or revives Bell Tower Birding.

Alan Tilmouth spent over two-and-a-half years as the UK Birding beat writer before the pressures of work and family forced him to step aside. You can still follow his birding (and life) adventures on his home blog.

Tom Brown spent years writing on 10,000 Birds, first about birding in Mexico, and then his horizons widened and we got posts from Tom from all over the world. He’ll occasionally pop in and share a post with us now but not terribly frequently.

The late Bill Thompson was the Offbeat Birding beat writer for over a year until a host of other commitments made him unable to continue to post monthly.  You can still read his blog posts at his home blog, Bill of the Birds.

Patrick Belardo was the New Jersey and Butterfly beat writer at the end of 2010 before he had to scale back on blogging because of the requirements of his job.  You can still find him in New Jersey or on his original blog, The Hawk Owl’s Nest.

Dale Forbes is a marvelously nice guy who is far too modest about his birding skills. He wrote a post every other week for almost two years on his beat, Looking Out from the Alps until he realized he needed to cut back on some of his commitments. You can still find him at Swarovski Optik or on BirdingBlogs.com.

Walter Kitundu was the Beat on Assignment for a little over two years before his interests in birds waned to the point that he felt that continuing to write on 10,000 Birds wouldn’t be productive. His great posts are certainly missed but you can still keep up with him at Bird Light Wind.

Nathan Swick posted for years here as the Southeastern United States and the American Birding World beat writer. He can still be found managing the ABA Blog.

Clare Morton reported on the birds of Broome, the world-famous shorebird site in Australia, for 10,000 Birds for a very long time. We really miss her weekly posts.

Daniel Rhoads was the Cyprus beat writer for almost a year before he realized that he is far too busy to do such things.  You can find him on Migrations, his excellent blog on birding, and issues surrounding hunting, legal and illegal, in Cyprus.

Renato Espinosa was the Ecuador beat writer for four-and-a-half years before deciding that with the demands of his family and business, something had to give and that something was his time at 10,000 Birds. You can track him down at Pululahua Hostel.

The Great Ornithologist Felonious Jive shared his mad scribblings here for far too long. We’re glad to be rid of him. If you’d like to keep up with his exploits, legal or not, you can probably find him hanging out over at Seagull Steve’s place.

Adam Riley shared his amazing images and stories for a couple of years on the African Birding beat but eventually, he hung up his blogging keyboard to focus on business and family. You can find him over at Rockjumper.

Mike Freiberg was the Rocky Mountain beat writer for almost a year before realizing that between his job and blogging, he wasn’t spending enough time birding! You can still find him at birding events at which Nikon Sport Optics has a presence and on the blog he writes for Nikon, Birding to the Edge.

Robert Gallardo was briefly the Honduras beat writer on 10,000 Birds before his ridiculously busy schedule precluded him from continuing to write here.  You can find him in Honduras, where he runs an ecolodge and a tour company.

Rick Wright shared quite a few posts as the Birds for Worders beat writer.  You can find him on his blog, Aimophila Adventures, and sometimes on the ABA Blog.

Alfredo Begazo posted for two-and-a-half years on the topic of Neotropical Birds and Birding. He is still dividing his time between Florida and the Neotropics.

James Currie posted for a period of five years on his Worldwide Birding Adventures beat. He’s still the only television personality to have graced the blog and he stays busy with a variety of television and other projects.

James Wolstencroft wrote a couple of posts on the Birds and Man beat.  He can be found in Tanzania and on his blog, the Birdman of Arusha.

Ken Cross wrote about Australian birdlife in his “Birds and Stuff from Down Under” beat.

Suzie Gilbert is a wildlife rehabilitator and shared some of her experiences in her beat.

Larry Jordan contributed “The Birder’s Report” to 10,000 Birds.

Carrie Laben was the beat writer covering the Interior West of the United States.

Greg Laden contributed posts in his beast on Bird Evolutionary Biology.

Tristan Lowery used to cover two of his passions in his posts on “Birds and Booze”.

Meredith Mann was the “Nature News” beat writer.

Patrick O’Donnell was blogging about “Costa Rica Birding”.

Redgannet covered “International Birding”, describing his experiences as a world-traveling birder. Now he writes a blog about a small patch of woodland that he bought just before leaving his job traveling the world.

Duncan Wright was the New Zealand beat writer.

Erika Zambello was the “Birder at Large” covering both her birding adventures and posts on national and state birds.