Aguas Blancas is a small community inside the Machalilla National Park which is located in the central coast of Ecuador next to the ocean tourist attraction of Puero Lopez and Isla de la Plata.  Aguas Blancas is 10 minutes north of Puerto Lopez just before the famous Playa de los Frailes and is on the right side of the road as you go north.

This community depends on local tourism which helps them minimize their dependence on the natural resources of the Machalilla National Park.  If you are a birder this is a must stop place to get a bag full of Tumbesian Endemics that thrive in the dry forests of the National Park.

Here are some photos of Endemic birds:

Collared Antshrike

Neclaced Spinetail

Red-masked Parakeet

Written by Renato
Renato was born in Quito, Ecuador and quickly flew to the USA to learn all about engineering and climbing company ladders. After getting his engineering degree from the University of Minnesota he worked in the Standard-American-Rat-Race-Company for fifteen years. After climbing the ladder to where he could no longer see the ground, he decided to jump off the ladder and migrate south like all normal birds do. To his surprise home did not look like it did when he left as a young fledgling; the towns were bigger, most of his friends had nests of their own, and the countryside was changed. Shocked by all the change he searched for a new life and a new wife. He stumbled across a vivacious young chick who would accompany him inside a volcanic crater to set up a love nest. So, after eight years of nesting inside the crater a new love for nature and birds has sprung a career in environmental conservation and birding tours. Finally this bird has come home to roost!