And they’re off! Your 2018 year lists, whether you tally them or not, have already begun to populate, silently bearing witness to your commitment to bird looking or lack thereof. Some eager beavers have already broken triple digits for the year while less industrious sorts may not even be in double digits. No worries… with 51 weekends left in this year, we’ll all have plenty of time to indulge in avian observation.
I enjoyed my first wave of feeder birds for the year, with Tufted Titmouse winning BBOTW honors only because that species appears less frequently than my other local denizens. Corey had a bunch of birds to choose from as he got out birding on both Saturday and Sunday mornings despite the blisteringly cold temperatures. But, of all the birds he spotted, his third Ross’s Goose in Queens, ever, took the honors as his Best Bird of the Weekend.
How about you? What was your best bird of the weekend? Tell us in the comments section about the rarest, loveliest, or most fascinating bird you observed. If you’ve blogged about your weekend experience, you should include a link in your comment.
Many gorgeous Common Goldeneyes here on the Olympic Peninsula.
I am going to have to go with the small flock of Horned Larks on Sunday morning, that have been a photo nemesis for years. Lots of shots, but never got that “One” until just before loading up the truck and heading home.
Even though I saw three species of albatross and a pair of penguins… Eurasian Coot. Because it’s weirdly taken me 11 years to find in New Zealand!
On my way back from the Alps to Heidelberg, I spotted 2 White Storks sitting on a (their?) nest on top of a church. A bit odd for January but with our balmy weather at the moment anything seems possible.