While the fourth weekend of January finds us all mired in the depths of whatever season grips our part of the world, the light is ever so slowly changing. Another couple of months of a little more or less light at dusk every day will soon trigger that global migration of birds we all eagerly await. Until then, make the most of what we have today.
What I have is a typical Upstate New York winter, so this weekend was about adding more typical Upstate New York winter birds. I had a hankering for Horned Larks, so Ivy and I hit a spot I know larks to lurk. Those black-and-yellow visages, so reminiscent of the classic smiley face, bring welcome cheer to a chilly day. Corey made a second attempt this weekend at seeing New York State’s first Ferruginous Hawk, which has been seen regularly in the Black Dirt region of Orange County. It was found sitting way out in a field by Andy Guthrie on Saturday morning and Corey arrived in time to see it before it flew a short distance out of sight. The picture above is horrible but it kind of documents that Corey saw a state first this weekend which makes it obviously his Best Bird of the Weekend.
How about you? What was your best bird of the weekend? Tell us in the comments section about the rarest, loveliest, or most fascinating bird you observed. If you’ve blogged about your weekend experience, you should include a link in your comment.
Three birding buddies and I went to the Waterville Plateau and the Okanogan Highlands of North Central Washington State this weekend, and the weather and the birding were fabulous. Despite separation from friends by separate cars and the Covid issues we had a great weekend and picking just one bird is tough, but go with the Common Redpolls in a large flock off Mary Ann Creek Road in the highlands. These are a tough species to find in WA many years, and we were very pleased to see them. In bright sunshine over snowcovered terrain they just glistened as they flew overhead. Of course White-winged Crossbills, Pine Grosbeak, lots of Snow Buntings, raptors, owls etc made this a fabulous trip.