Once upon a time, there was an adventurous Mexican young woman called Miriam. She packed her bags, waved her family goodbye, and left for...
Global BirdFair is an extraordinary sight that, up until 2022, we had only heard tales of. So, Erik and I decided we would have...
Actually, Eliza Doolittle would be pleased to know it doesn’t always stay just there. When I drove to Xábia at the end of April...
My aunt Greet gave me a book in 1975 that featured the 60 most endangered birds in Europe. Amazingly and quite contrary to what...
Although many think of the Pacific Northwest as a rainy with lush green forests, the region east of the Cascade mountains is characterized by...
There are a few spectacles in the birding community that are high energy, happen quickly, and is worth any effort to experience it. One...
Most birders are familiar with the Spanish dehesas. They might even have a visit to these Mediterranean steppes on their wish list. The Portuguese...
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