Jackson Childs was kind enough to supply a copy of Gulf Crossing: An Essay on Bird Migration, the movie he wrote, produced, and narrated, to give away on 10,000 Birds.  If you have no idea what I am talking about you can read my review and then come back and enter the giveaway.  Or you can take my word for it that if you like birds and great footage of a wide variety of species then you will want to enter this contest.

This giveaway is open to all readers of 10,000 Birds except Mike and me.  To enter you must email the answer to the question below to 10000birdsblogger@gmail.com by midnight Eastern Standard Time on 21 February, 2011.  Please use the subject line “Gulf Crossing” for your email in order to be considered for the contest.  The winner will be randomly selected from all timely entries with the correct answer.

Who performs Danses Creoles in Gulf Crossing?

If you can’t figure out how to get the answer to that question you might want to go digging around the Gulf Crossing website.  Remember to get your email to me at 10000birdsblogger@gmail.com by 21 February.  Good luck!

Written by Corey
Corey is a New Yorker who lived most of his life in upstate New York but has lived in Queens since 2008. He's only been birding since 2005 but has garnered a respectable life list by birding whenever he wasn't working as a union representative or spending time with his family. He lives in Forest Hills with Daisy and Desmond Shearwater. His bird photographs have appeared on the Today Show, in Birding, Living Bird Magazine, Bird Watcher's Digest, and many other fine publications. He is also the author of the American Birding Association Field Guide to the Birds of New York.