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Blogging is terrific fun. Everybody’s doing it and earning their whopping $2.00 a year from Adsense while they’re at it. At the current rate of blogosphere growth, something like a million new blogs every second, pretty soon every man, woman, and child on this planet will have one. Too bad most of them will be splogs…Getting started with blogging is simplicity in itself. First, you need a topic. I, of course, recommend nature as a worthy subject on which to blog, but if you’re looking for ungodly amounts of traffic, you’d be better off with politics, consumer electronic, or celebrity gossip instead. Or just write about yourself on MySpace!

Once you’ve selected your topic, lavish liberally with words and pictures. Blogging really is that easy. Write about your topic using words, widely accepted as the basic building blocks of paragraphs, passages, and posts, and sprinkle throughout with pictures. Some say that pictures are optional, but the going valuation of one picture equaling 1000 words is too good to ignore.

Roger Butterfield knows full well that great blogging starts with Words & Pictures applied skillfully to the discussion of excellent topics like nature and science. He’s now exploring advanced forms of the art by hosting blog carnivals. Check out what a superb job he’s done with I and the Bird #36.

You do blog, don’t you? If you ever write about wild birds or birding, I and the Bird is your carnival. Be a part of this brilliant biweekly publication by sending a link and summary to your best related blog post to me(mike AT 10000birds-dot-com) or our next host, Mary Ann (FiveWells AT aol-dot-com) of Five Wells. We’re going to skip a week for Thanksgiving this year, so you have until Tuesday, November 28 to be included in the November 30 edition.

Written by Mike
Mike is a leading authority in the field of standardized test preparation, but he's also a traveler who fully expects to see every bird in the world. Besides founding 10,000 Birds in 2003, Mike has also created a number of other entertaining but now extirpated nature blog resources, particularly the Nature Blog Network and I and the Bird.