Check your calendar. If the month reads May, don’t worry about making weekend plans. You’re already booked… to go birding. Just be sure to arrive at your favorite patch early. Staying late is optional but highly recommended.

Various spots along the southern shore of Lake Ontario call to me this weekend, promising tantalizing glimpses of birds that alight only briefly in the Rochester area before taking off for points north. Corey has been a man on a mission lately, knocking down rarities with a quickness. Track down a species that isn’t supposed to be seen in the NYC area, and you’ll likely find him too.

How about you? Where will you be this weekend and will you be birding? Share your plans in the comments below.

Whatever your plans this weekend, make time to enjoy SkyWatch Friday. Also be sure to come back Monday to share your best bird of the weekend!

Written by Mike
Mike is a leading authority in the field of standardized test preparation, but he's also a traveler who fully expects to see every bird in the world. Besides founding 10,000 Birds in 2003, Mike has also created a number of other entertaining but now extirpated nature blog resources, particularly the Nature Blog Network and I and the Bird.