The documentary film The Central Park Effect premiered a little over ten years ago, showing the world that it’s possible to find avian magic...
Flight Paths is a splendid but risky title for a book about bird migration. It could easily be mistaken for a book about aviation...
The first thing to note about the Field Guide to North American Flycatchers is the subtitle: Empidonax and Pewees. No Kingbirds, no Phoebes, no...
The Great Egret was in breeding plumage and courtship posture–bright lime green lores, head bending down and then snapping up, long, impossibly delicate plumes...
I did not prepare properly when I went to the Galápagos. Reading over my email from that period, I can’t believe I ended up...
Everyone loves baby birds; 10,000 Birds even had a Baby Bird Week once upon a time! Baby birds are cuteness personified, possibly even more...
At the end of 2022, let us celebrate the local field guide, a sub-genre that many of us feared would die, the victim of...
Australia has a lot of birds. The “Working List of Australian Birds, v.4,” published by BirdLife Australia lists 2,016 birds, but that includes subspecies...
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Recent Posts
- White-tailed Eagle on HokkaidoBy Kai Pflug
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- Central ParkBy Peter
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