Another weekend, another opportunity to regret not spending enough time outdoors. Anyone out there know how that feels?
Between work and weather, I didn’t see much this weekend, but my kids and I spotted a mesmerizing flock of European Starlings wheeling about in intricate formations. Appreciation of invasive species may be somewhat heretical in some naturalist circles, but watching these huge winter flocks always entertains. Corey didn’t see a whole heck of a lot on his one birding outing this weekend to coastal Queens, but he did see a whole mess of Dark-eyed Juncos, which he really appreciated in their formal outfits. Not the most exciting Best Bird of the Weekend but it will do.
How about you? What was your best bird of the weekend? Tell us in the comments section about the rarest, loveliest, or most fascinating bird you observed. If you’ve blogged about your weekend experience, you should include a link in your comment.
As we got ready to vacate our hotel room in Ewing, NJ, on Saturday morning, I happened to see a large raptor swoop down in front of our window. It landed somewhere out of view. Then a few minutes later, it swooped back up again, above and to the right of our room, probably to the hotel’s roof. Didn’t get more than a quick glimpse (which is more than my poor husband, who missed the spectacle both times), but my giss/spidey sense suggests it was likely a Red-tailed Hawk. What a thrill!