In January I introduced you to the Poo Ponds in Broome and after all the rain we have experienced in the recent months I thought I should let you know about the changes. The Water Corporation are currently building new larger Poo Ponds and we can’t access them at the moment. We are unsure as to what the bird population is there, but there are a lot less birds present at the old ones. With all the rain we have had the birds are spread across the whole continent and Alice Springs has had some amazing records recently. They had to close their Poo Ponds to tourists/birders recently due to a feral dog problem, but this has been addressed and access is now possible. We are not allowed into our ponds, so they are very lucky in Alice Springs. Of course there are always warnings!

Stay outside the fence!

Previously we had hundreds of Plumed Whistling-Ducks, but the remaining ducks were very few. Those that had stayed had bred, though and there are a few family groups. They mix well with other visiting birds and spend a lot of time standing around on the Poo Pond rock walls.

Plumed Whistling-Duck and Black-fronted Dotterel

We have had Yellow Wagtail present recently and they run along the rock walls chasing insects. Not the easiest birds to photograph when they are so active….especially when trying to not photograph the fence!!

Yellow Wagtail

The majority of the Black-winged Stilt appear to be inland at the moment and no doubt we will see a larger population later in the year, but the few that are present at the Poo Ponds are beautiful birds. The length of their legs really does not look natural, but is of great use to them as they wade through water looking for food.

Black-winged Stilt

The fence around the ponds can be frustrating when you are trying to take photographs, but many birds take advantage of it and rest in between feeds.

Rainbow Bee-eater

Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike

As you can see we are rather unoriginal with our bird names! We say it like it is…..just the same as we say “Poo Ponds” rather then Waste Water Treatment Plant!

Written by Clare M
Clare and her husband, Grant, have lived permanently in Broome, Western Australia since 1999 after living in various outback locations around Western Australia and Darwin. She has lived in the Middle East and the United States and traveled extensively in Europe. She monitors Pied Oystercatchers breeding along a 23km stretch of Broome's coastline by bicycle and on foot. She chooses not to participate in social media, but rather wander off into the bush for peace and tranquility. Thankfully she can write posts in advance and get away from technology!