No one can accuse me of being a twitcher but when I checked my email Sunday morning and found that the local list serve posted a Summer Tanager (Piranga rubra) only 45 minutes from my home, well, that would be a lifer for me 😉 Click on photos for full sized image.
So off I went, camera in hand, to see if I could find the wayward bird.
No sooner had I parked and gotten out of my car when some of the folks at the campground asked if I was “looking for the bird?” How did they know that?
As I discovered chatting with my fellow birders at the Sycamore Grove Campground, this male Summer Tanager would be a record for Tehama County California.
He was not camera shy…
and as I mentioned to one of the other photogs in attendance…
many times I find that birds will come closer to investigate the clicking sound of the camera.
I was able to get a few shots of him eating one of the berries off the tree…
Not having much time to bird lately and due to the fact that daytime temps have been in the triple digits for several weeks in Northern California recently, it was good to get out with fellow birders and enjoy the avifauna.
I hope you enjoyed this photo gallery of my lifer male Summer Tanager as much as I enjoyed my twitching experience! My guess is that I will be chasing more birds in the not too distant future when I have more free time.
Congrats on a successful twitch, thanks for sharing the experience!
Very nicely done!! Those are some great images, thanks for sharing your new lifer!
Amazing photos, congratulations! Our local birds are far more camera shy.
Well caught, Larry.
Thank you Tom! You are very welcome 😉
Thanks Pat! I hope I get many more successful twitches when I retire!
Thanks Wendy! There were quite a few people staying at this campground so I think, after all the birder attention, this guy was getting used to the limelight!
Thanks Simon!