The dog days of summer are upon us though here at 10,000 Birds we call them bird days. This despite the heat and humidity sometimes making it seem that there are no birds to see. What is a birder to do but go somewhere hopefully less hot and more birdy?
Both Mike and I saw birds more or less far from our homes this weekend. Mike’s Best Bird of the Weekend was the Caspian Tern (like the one above) that greeted him upon his arrival at Lake Michigan. You know you’re on a Great Lake when you see a Caspian Tern. My Best Bird of the Weekend was a heard-only Least Bittern calling from the Great Vly in my hometown of Saugerties where I was to collect my boy after a week with his grandparents. The bittern was nice but it was even better to see Desi even if he didn’t want to leave to head home to hot New York City!
How about you? What was your best bird of the weekend? Tell us in the comments section about the rarest, loveliest, or most fascinating bird you observed. If you’ve blogged about your weekend experience, you should include a link in your comment.
Eurasian Blackbirds. Not because they are rare or native. But their song was a reminder that summer is coming.
This is a tough call..after my encounter with the Clapper Rails a couple of weeks ago, I “camped out” in a good location and was able to view a pair moving around the edge of the mangroves! But…I have to give the nod to a pair Semi-palmated Sandpipers. This is the first time I have seen this species in Mexico
I saw (and heard) a super-confiding Northern Mockingbird in Washington, D.C. (on a 3″ shrub about 6″ away, but my husband spooked it before I could grab a photo), but I’d have to give BBotW to the Green Heron I saw from the car on the way down, in a marsh somewhere along I-95 in Delaware. They’re always a treat to see!