Recognizable spring weather may not have arrived in your part of the Northern Hemisphere just yet, but spring has sprung nonetheless. Countless flocks of frigid, sodden birds must be wondering whether they took a wrong turn somewhere. Migrants are on the move, if you can bear to be out looking for them!
In between ice storms, I visited Brighton’s Brickyard Trail, a nice little walk that can be excellent for sparrows. What do you know, I spotted my FOY Swamp Sparrow in song, along with about a hundred Song Sparrows, also in song. Corey had a large variety of birds to choose his Best Bird of the Weekend from this week and had a hard time making his selection. But a drake Wood Duck is always appreciated and that it plopped down in front of him at Big John’s Pond at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge made it even nicer.
How about you? What was your best bird of the weekend? Tell us in the comments section about the rarest, loveliest, or most fascinating bird you observed. If you’ve blogged about your weekend experience, you should include a link in your comment.
Malagasy Kingfisher
My second-ever Black Vulture (the first was just 3 weeks ago) soaring over a lake at Bear Mountain, NY!
Finally finding the New Zealand Dabchick (Grebe) after a whole lot of visits to small North Island fresh water lakes!