Hopefully, those of you who observe St. Patrick’s Day by doing more than donning green didn’t “celebrate” so much this weekend that you’re suffering today. Enjoy!
When I saw a Turkey Vulture soaring serenely over the frozen tundra of Rochester last month, I took the sighting as an example of how confused, in a potentially fatal way, some birds can get. However, when I spotted a TV tipping blithely overhead this weekend, I took it as a sign of spring. Still, the poor bird may be in for some frigid nights ere warm weather settles in. Corey’s Best Bird of the Weekend was actually a pretty common bird most winters in Queens, though this year they mostly went further south. He was pleased to see several hundred Snow Geese at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge. There are few things nicer than a big ol’ flock of Snow Geese!
How about you? What was your best bird of the weekend? Tell us in the comments section about the rarest, loveliest, or most fascinating bird you observed. If you’ve blogged about your weekend experience, you should include a link in your comment.
In an ice-enclosed pool at the neck of the Montrose marina in Chicago, a beautiful male Redhead was enjoying a pas de deux with a petite American Coot while a trio of Canada Geese formed an appreciative audience. My first Redhead in quite some time, and definitely the prettiest!
I finally came across my first Eurasian Collared-Dove for the county. Looking at range maps I see they are haven’t invaded the NE part of the U.S. Anyone know the reason why?
Clay-colored Thrushes at Sana Ana NWR were a nice addition to my ABA list, but a Swallow-tailed Kite at Sabal Palm THAT I PISHED IN was a better ABA bird.