While much of the attention that Africa’s tourism industry gets is for its (deservedly) popular national parks and game reserves, a lot of wildlife viewing is possible away from the big name places. Many countries have private reserves and concessions, run for tourism or hunting, that provide outstanding wildlife watching opportunities. I had the amazing opportunity to visit one last year as the guest of a friend of mine who is a shareholder (not what you know but who!). The reserve, in the eastern corner of Botswana near Zimbabwe and South Africa, isn’t open to the public in general, so I figured I’d share a few images here by way of showing off.. I mean education.
Red-faced Mousebirds are common African specialities
The reserve had several francolins, like this Crested Francolin
Southern White-faced Scops Owl or African Scops Owl? You decide.
Red-crested Korhaans are attractive members of the bustard family
Brown-hooded Kingfishers hunt far from water
Spotted Eagle Owls are one of several owls that can be seen here
Crested Barbets come in close.
As well as birds, the reserve holds endangered species like African Wild Dogs
Baobab trees are perfect for sundowners
Been in Eastern Tuli Block myself – great birding 🙂