Now that the Mad Queen is dead, Brandon the Broken, First of His Name, is the King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Six Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm; and peace is restored in all the kingdoms, would you want to bird Westeros? I am not talking the filming locations, but the imaginary kingdoms themselves. How many birds have you spotted in 8 seasons?
In the 70+ episodes, I noticed only the homing Ravens (caged/domesticated) and Pigeons (domestic – in pie). Yes, there were Chicken, too (I remember the chicken soup, not the birds). And some Falcon, most likely mixed breed, because it belonged to falconry, not the skies. Can you imagine such a vast world devoid of birds (while they can fly, dragons do not count – not birds)?
Why would any birder ever want to visit Westeros?
Illustration HBO
To correct me, the Westerosi Checklist by the gameofthrones.fandom.com/ is somewhat longer, or so they claim. Supposedly, all of these were recorded in the Seven Kingdoms, albeit most likely only in the books (of which I read only the first):
Chickens (domesticated)
Ducks (domesticated)
Falcons – Gyrfalcon
Geese (domesticated)
Ravens (domesticated)
And this is all. Why, oh why George R.R. Martin isn’t a birder himself, to create a proper world with most ecological niches filled, oh why?
I saw your post and it made think. You are right, I can’t remember seeing much more other than the Ravens. Now I have to go back and watch all of them again! Poor me, lol. I wanted to watch them before Season 8 began but I didn’t get around to it. Now this gives me an excuse. Thank you! 🙂
Yep, travel Westeros with your eyes wide open and do make a bird list 🙂