Once again it is a new year and once again I will commit to listing the birds I see during the year! We have no plans beyond Broome whatsoever at the moment, so we did put a fair bit of an effort in on New Year’s Day together to get a good start. There was one big problem that really restricted what we would see and that Cyclone Christine had just travelled down the coast from north of us and had brought flooding rain. This restricted us to bitumen roads and the lakes and wetlands that had been excellent for birding only a few days before were now so flooded that the birds had completely left the area. Last year we were also halted by a badly deflated tyre, but it is only day one of the year and when you get over 100 bird species you really can’t complain. The first day of the year started as Christmas Day did with the usual suspects in our garden and we then realised the sky was full of Oriental Pratincoles. Following Cyclone Christine our skies were full of flying ants and the birds were chasing them and feasting on them. It was a magnificent sight over the whole township, but they were only present for a few hours and they moved on chasing the flying ants.
Oriental Pratincoles chasing flying ants
Another feature on New Year’s Day was the abundance of lizards and goannas enjoying the steamy heat of the bitumen and we spent a lot of time driving around these creatures. We observed a dozen of the shorebirds usually present around the township, but with road closures we could not access the northern shores of Roebuck Bay and the Black-tailed Godwit remains off our list at the moment.
We walked to a lake that we could access with a hot and steamy walk from the bitumen and we were rewarded for our efforts by Varied Sittellas, which is a species we rarely see and I have never attempted to photograph as they are so small and often so flighty in the taller trees. One other highlight was the presence of a pair of Dingo, which are also rarely seen and were very cautious of our presence. There was also a nice flock of Pink-eared Ducks, which are the feature photograph as they would have to be my favourite duck!
Wild Dingo
Last year we achieved 112 bird species on New Year’s Day and this year we achieved 117, but some of the easiest birds have completely eluded us. Normally there are Straw-necked Ibis and White Ibis in our local parks or at least at the Poo Ponds, but a lot of birds have “gone missing” since the cyclone passed by. All was not to be lost, though, as I discovered a Common Noddy resting on the rocks near Town Beach on January 2nd. This bird had obviously come ashore during the strong winds and it has been several years since we have observed one in Broome. Grant was able to take a “late lunch” from work and go for a walk to make sure it was something he had seen as well, because they are far from common.
Common Noddy
Once again for my Australian birds I will use the “Christidis and Boles 2008 key to species names” and list them in the order that they come on that list. For birds listed as “seen in Broome” the location covers an area that is no further than 70kms from the Broome Bird Observatory unless otherwise stated. If there is a post that I have done that covers any of the species I will attach a link to it. For all my other posts you can click on Clare M. This was last updated December 30th and my main goal is to have fun birding and list what I see.
- Orange-footed Scrubfowl-Megapodius reinwardt-Darwin, August 23rd
- Brown Quail-Coturnix ypsilophora-near Kununurra, November 4th
- Indian Peafowl-Pavo cristatus-Broome, April 21st
- Red Junglefowl-Gallus gallus-Darwin, October 20th
- Magpie Goose-Anseranus semipalmata-Broome, February 23rd
- Plumed Whistling-Duck–Dendrocygna eytoni–Broome, January 1st
- Wandering Whistling-Duck-Dendrocygna arcuata-Broome, January 1st
- Musk Duck–Biziura iobata-Perth, February 9th
- Freckled Duck-Stictonetta naevosa-Perth, February 9th
- Black Swan-Cygnus atratus-Broome, January 1st
- Radjah Shelduck-Tadorna radjah-Broome, January 18th
- Australian Shelduck–Tadoma tadomoides-Perth, February 9th
- Australian Wood Duck-Chenonetta jubata–Perth, February 9th
- Pink-eared Duck-Malacorhynchus membranaceus-Broome, January 1st
- Green Pygmy-Goose-Nettapus pulchellus-Broome, January 1st
- Australian Shoveler-Anas rhynchotis-Perth, February 9th
- Grey Teal-Anas gracilis-Broome, January 1st
- Chestnut Teal-Anas castanea-Sydney, May 30th
- Pacific Black Duck-Anas superciliosa-Broome, January 1st
- Hardhead-Aythya australis-Broome, January 1st
- Blue-billed Duck-Oxyura australis-Perth, February 9th
- Australasian Grebe–Tachybaptus novaehollandiae, Broome, January 1st
- Hoary-headed Grebe-Poliocephalus poliocephalus-Broome, January 1st
- Great Crested Grebe–Podiceps cristatus-Perth, February 9th
- Rock Dove-Columba livia-Perth, February 10th
- White-headed Pigeon-Columba leucomela-Southern Highlands, June 9th
- Laughing Dove-Streptopelia senegalensis-Perth, February 9th
- Spotted Dove-Streptopella chinensis-Perth, February 9th
- Brown Cuckoo-Dove-Macropygia amboinensis-Sydney, June 16th
- Emerald Dove-Chalcophaps indica–Darwin, September 20th
- Common Bronzewing-Phaps chalocoptera-Perth, February 10th
- Crested Pigeon–Ocyphaps lophotes-Broome, January 1st
- Spinifex Pigeon-Geophaps ferruginea-near Kunnurra, November 3rd
- White-quilled Rock-Pigeon-Petrophassa albipennis–Kununurra, November 3rd
- Diamond Dove–Geopelia cuneata-Broome, April 20th
- Peaceful Dove-Geopelia striata–Broome, January 1st
- Bar-shouldered Dove-Geopelia humeralis-Broome, January 1st
- Wonga Pigeon-Leucosarcia picata-Southern Highlands, June 8th
- Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove-Ptililnopus regina-Darwin, August 31st
- Pied Imperial-Pigeon-Ducula bicolor-Darwin, August 19th
- Tawny Frogmouth-Podargus strigoides-Broome, August 17th
- Fork-tailed Swift-Apus pacificus-Broome, January 5th
- Black-browed Albatross-Thallassarche melanophris-NSW coast, June 6th
- Lesser Frigatebird-Fregata ariel-Broome, January 4th
- Australasian Gannet-Morus serrator-Sydney, May 29th
- Brown Booby–Sula leucogaster-Broome, January 1st
- Australasian Darter-Anhinga novaehollandiae-Broome, January 8th
- Great Cormorant-Phalacrocorax carbo-Perth, February 9th
- Little Pied Cormorant-Microcarbo melanoleucos-Broome, January 1st
- Little Black Cormorant-Phalacrocorax sulcirostris-Broome, January 5th
- Pied Cormorant-Phalacrocorax varius-Broome, January 1st
- Australian Pelican-Pelecanus conspicillatus-Broome, January 1st
- Black-necked Stork-Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus-Broome, January 12th
- Black Bittern–Ixobrychus flavicollis-Darwin, September 7th
- White-necked Heron–Ardea pacifica-Broome, January 12th
- Eastern Great Egret–Ardea modesta-Broome, January 1st
- Intermediate Egret-Ardea intermedia-Broome, January 1st
- Cattle Egret-Bubulcus ibis-Southern Highlands, June 2nd
- Striated Heron-grey morph-Butorides striata-Broome, January 1st
- Striated Heron-rufous morph-Butorides Striata-Darwin, October 21st
- Pied Heron-Egretta picata-Kununurra, August 17th
- White-faced Heron-Egretta novaehollandiae-Broome, January 1st
- Little Egret-Egretta garzetta-Broome, Janaury 4th
- Eastern Reef Egret-grey morph-Egretta sacra-Broome, January 1st
- Eastern Reef Egret-white morph-Egretta sacra-Broome, July 26th
- Nankeen Night-Heron-Nycticorax caledonicus-Broome, January 4th
- Glossy Ibis-Plegadis flacinellus-Broome, January 1st
- Australian White Ibis-Threskiornis molucca-Broome, Janaury 4th
- Straw-necked Ibis–Threskiornis spinicollis-Broome, January 5th
- Royal Spoonbill-Platalea regia-Broome, January 1st
- Yellow-billed Spoonbill-Platalea flavipes-Perth, February 9th
- Eastern Osprey–Pandion cristatus-Broome, January 1st
- Black-shouldered Kite–Elanus axillaris-Broome, January 1st
- Black-breasted Buzzard-Hamirostra melanostemon-Broome, January 1st
- White-bellied Sea Eagle–Haliaeetus leucogaster-Broome, January 1st
- Whistling Kite-Haliastur sphenurus-Broome, January 1st
- Brahminy Kite-Haliastur indus-Broome, January 1st
- Black Kite-Milvus migrans-Broome, January 1st
- Brown Goshawk-Accipter fasciatus–Broome, January 1st
- Collared Sparrowhawk-Accipter cirroephalus-Broome, January 5th
- Grey Goshawk–Accipter novaehollandiae-Sydney, May 30th
- Spotted Harrier-Circus assimilis-Broome, January 1st
- Swamp Harrier-Circus approximans-Broome, January 4th
- Wedge-tailed Eagle–Aquila audax-Broome, January 5th
- Little Eagle-Hieraaetus morphnoides-Broome, December 28th
- Nankeen Kestrel–Falco cenchroides-Broome, January 1st
- Brown Falcon–Falco berigora-Broome, January 1st
- Australian Hobby–Falco longipennis-Broome, January 4th
- Black Falcon-Falco subniger-Broome, February 23rd
- Peregrine Falcon-Falco peregrinus-Broome, April 20th
- Brolga–Grus rubicunda-Broome, January 1st
- Purple Swamphen–Porphyrio porphyrio-Broome, January 4th
- Buff-banded Rail-Galliirallus philippensis-Southern Highlands, June 6th
- Baillon’s Crake-Porzena fusca-Broome, December 16th
- Spotless Crake-Porzana tabuensis–Broome, December 17th
- Black-tailed Native-hen-Tribonyx ventralis-Broome, December 16th
- Dusky Moorhen-Gallinula tenebrosa-Perth, February 9th
- Eurasian Coot-Fulica atra-Broome, January 1st
- Australian Bustard–Ardeotis australis-Broome, January 1st
- Bush Stone-curlew-Burhinus grallarius-Darwin, August 24th
- Beach Stone-curlew–Esacus magnirostris-Broome, November 12th
- Australian Pied Oystercatcher–Haematopus longirostris-Broome, January 5th
- Sooty Oystercatcher-Haematopus fuliginosus-Broome-January 3rd
- Black-winged Stilt–Himantopus himantopus-Broome, January 1st
- Red-necked Avocet-Recurvirostra novaehollandiae-Halls Creek, November 4th
- Pacific Golden Plover-Pluvialis fulva-Broome, January 1st
- Grey Plover-Pluvialis squatarola-Broome, January 1st
- Little Ringed Plover-Charadrius dublus-Broome, January 1st
- Red-capped Plover–Charadrius ruficapillus-Broome, January 4th
- Lesser Sand Plover-Charadrius mongolus-Broome, January 1st
- Greater Sand Plover-Charadrius leschenaultii-Broome, January 1st
- Oriental Plover-Charadrius veredus-Darwin, August 25th
- Black-fronted Dotterel–Elseyornis melanops-Broome, January 1st
- Red-kneed Dotterel-Erythrogonys cinctus-Broome, January 1st
- Masked Lapwing–Vanellus Miles–Broome, January 1st
- Masked Lapwing-Vanellus novaehollandiae-Sydney, May 29th
- Comb-crested Jacana-Irediparra gallinacea-Kununurra, August 17th
- Semipalmated Plover–Charadrius semipalmatus-Broome, January 18th
- Swinhoe’s Snipe–Gallinago megala-Broome, January 18th
- Black-tailed Godwit-Limosa limosa-Darwin, October 25th
- Bar-tailed Godwit–Limosa lapponica-Broome, January 1st
- Little Curlew–Numenius minutus-Broome, April 20th
- Whimbrel–Numenius phaeopus-Broome, January 1st
- Eastern Curlew-Numenius madagascariensis-Broome, January 3rd
- Terek Sandpiper-Xenus cinereus-Broome, January 3rd
- Common Sandpiper–Actitis hypoleucos-Broome, January 1st
- Grey-tailed Tattler–Tringa brevipes–Broome, January 1st
- Common Greenshank-Tringa nebularia–Broome, January 1st
- Marsh Sandpiper-Tringa stagnatilis-Broome, January 1st
- Common Redshank-Tringa totanus-Broome, December 30th
- Wood Sandpiper–Tringa glareola-Broome, Janusry 1st
- Ruddy Turnstone-Arenaria interpres–Broome, January 1st
- Great Knot–Calidris tenuirostris-Broome, January 1st
- Red Knot-Calidris canutus-Broome, January 2nd
- Sanderling-Calidris alba-Broome, January 1st
- Red-necked Stint–Calidris ruficollis-Broome, January 1st
- Long-toed Stint-Calidris subminuta-Broome, December 16th
- Sharp-tailed Sandpiper-Calidris acuminata-Broome, January 4th
- Curlew Sandpiper-Calidris ferruginea-Broome, January 2nd
- Broad-billed Sandpiper-Limicola falcinellus-Broome, November 9th
- Oriental Pratincole–Glareola maldivarum–Broome, January 1st
- Australian Pratincole-Stiltia isabella–Broome, April 20th
- Common Noddy–Anous stolidus–Broome, January 2nd
- Bridled Tern-Onychoprion anaethetus-Broome, January 19th
- Little Tern-Sternula albifrons-Broome, January 1st
- Gull-billed Tern-Gelochelidon nilotica race Macro tarsus-Broome, January 1st
- Gull-billed Tern-Gelochelidon nilotica race Affinis-Darwin, September 14th
- Caspian Tern-Hydroprogne caspia-Broome, January 2nd
- Whiskered Tern–Chilidonias hybrida-Broome, January 1st
- White-winged Black Tern-Chilidonias leucopterus-Broome, January 1st
- Common Tern-Sterna hirundo-Broome, January 1st
- Lesser Crested Tern-Thalasseus bengalensis-Broome, January 1st
- Crested Tern–Thalasseus bergii–Broome, January 1st
- Kelp Gull-Larus dominicanus-north of Port Kembla, June 12th
- Silver Gull–Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae–Broome, January 1st
- Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo-Calyptorhynchus banksii-Broome, January 2nd
- Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo-Calyptorhynchus funereus-Sydney, May 29th
- Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo-Calyptorrhynchus latirostris-Perth, February 14th
- Gang-gang Cockatoo-Callocephalon fimbriatum-Southern Highlands, June 3rd
- Galah–Eolophus roseicapillus-Perth, February 10th
- Western Corella-Cacatua pastinator-Perth, February 9th
- Little Corella-Cacatua sanguinea-Broome, January 1st
- Sulphur-crested Cockatoo-Cacalua galerita-Sydney, May 29th
- Cockatiel-Nymphicus hollandicus–Broome-Fitzroy Crossing, August 17th
- Red-collared Lorikeet-Trichoglossus haematodus-race rubritorquis-Broome, January 1st
- Rainbow Lorikeet-Trichoglossus haematodus-Perth, February 9th
- Varied Lorikeet-Psitteuteles versicolor-Broome, February 27th
- Australian King-Parrot-Alisterus scapularis-Southern Highlands, June 2nd
- Red-winged Parrot–Aprosmictus erythropterus–Broome, January 1st
- Crimson Rosella-Platycercus elegans-Sydney, May 29th
- Eastern Rosella-Platycercus eximimius-Sydney, June 2nd
- Northern Rosella-Platycercus venustus-Darwin, August 19th
- Australian Ringneck-Barnardius zonarius-Broome, July 4th
- Red-capped Parrot-Purpureicephalus spurius-Broome, July 4th
- Budgerigar-Melopsittacus undulatus-Broome-Fitzroy Crossing, August 17th
- Pheasant Coucal–Centropus phasianninus-Broome, January 1st
- Eastern Koel-Eudynamys orientalis-Darwin, October 1st
- Channel-billed Cuckoo-Scythrops navoaehollandiae-Broome, February 2nd
- Horsfield’s Bronze-Cuckoo-Chalcites basalis-Broome, January 4th
- Little Bronze-Cuckoo–Chalcites minutillus-Broome, January 5th
- Pallid Cuckoo-Cacomantis pallidus–Broome, January 4th
- Fan-tailed Cuckoo-Cacomantis flabelliformis-Lake Illawarra, June 12th
- Brush Cuckoo–Cacomantis variolosus–Broome, January 2nd
- Barking Owl-Ninox connivens-Broome, July 18th
- Southern Boobook-Ninox novaeseelandiae-(deceased)-near Darwin, November 3rd
- Eastern Barn Owl-Tyto javanica-(deceased)-Broome, January 1st
- Azure Kingfisher-Ceyx azureus-Darwin, August 30th
- Laughing Kookaburra-Dacelo novaeguineae-Perth, February 9th
- Blue-winged Kookaburra–Dacelo leachii-Broome, January 1st
- Forest Kingfisher-Todiremphus macleaylii-Darwin, August 19th
- Red-backed Kingfisher–Todiramphus pyrrhopygius-Broome, January 1st
- Sacred Kingfisher-Todiramphus sanctus-Broome, January 1st
- Rainbow Bee-eater-Merops ornatus-Broome, January 1st
- Dollarbird-Eurystomus orientalis-Broome, January 1st
- Rainbow Pitta-Pitta iris-Darwin, August 24th
- Superb Lyrebird-Menura novaehollandiae-Sydney, May 29th
- White-throated Treecreeper-Cormobates leucophaea-Sydney, May 29th
- Satin Bowerbird-Ptilonorhynchus violaceus-Sydney, May 29th
- Great Bowerbird-Ptilonorhynchus nuchalis-Broome, January 1st
- Superb Fairywren-Malurus cyaneus-Sydney, May 29th
- Splendid Fairywren-Malurus splendens-Perth, February 9th
- Red-backed Fairywren-Malurus melanocephalus-Broome, January 1st
- Variegated Fairywren-Malurus lamberti-Broome, January 1st
- Eastern Bristlebird-Dasyomis brachypterus-Southern Highlands, June 7th
- Rockwarbler–Origma solitaria-Southern Highlands, June 3rd
- White-browed Scrubwren-Sericomis frontalis-Sydney, May 29th
- Weebill-Smicromis brevirostris-Broome, January 26th
- Brown Gerygone-Gerygone mouki-Sydney, May 29th
- Mangrove Gerygone-Gerygone levigaster-Broome, January 4th
- Western Gerygone-Gerygone fusca-Perth, February 9th
- Dusky Gerygone-Gerygone tenebrosa-Broome, July 13th
- Large-billed Gerygone-Gerygone magnirostris-Darwin, September 7th
- Green-backed Gerygone-Gerygone chloronota-Darwin, September 7th
- White-throated Gerygone-Gerygone albogularis-Broome, January 4th
- Striated Thornbill-Acanthiza lineata-Sydney, May 29th
- Yellow-rumped Thornbill-Acanthiza chrysorrhoa-Perth, February 9th
- Buff-rumped Thornbill-Acanthiza reguloides-Southern Highlands, June 6th
- Western Thornbill-Acanthiza inomata-Perth, February 9th
- Inland Thornbill-Acanthiza apicalis-Perth, February 10th
- Brown Thornbill-Acanthiza pusilla-Sydney, May 29th
- Spotted Pardalote-Pardalotus punctatus-Sydney, May 30th
- Red-browed Pardalote–Pardalotus rubricatus-Broome, January 1st
- Striated Pardalote-Pardalotus striatus-Broome, January 1st
- Eastern Spinebill-Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris-Sydney, May 29th
- Western Spinebill-Acanthorhynchus superciliosus-Perth, February 10th
- Lewin’s Honeyeater-Meliphaga lewinii-Sydney, May 29th
- Yellow-faced Honeyeater-Lichenostomus chrysops-Sydney, May 29th
- Singing Honeyeater-Lichenostomus virenscens-Broome, January 1st
- White-gaped Honeyeater-Lichenostomus unicolor-Broome, January 1st
- White-eared Honeyeater-Lichenostomus leucotis-Sydney, May 30th
- Grey-fronted Honeyeater-Lichenostomus plumulus-Halls Creek, August 17th
- Yellow-tinted Honeyeater-Lichenostomus flavescens-Broome, January 1st
- Bell Miner-Manorina melanophrys-Southern Highlands, June 2nd
- Noisy Miner-Manorina melanocephala–Sydney, May 29th
- Yellow-throated Miner-Manorina flavigula-Broome, January 26th
- Western Wattlebird-Anthochaera lunulata-Perth, February 9th
- Little Wattlebird-Anthochaera chrysoptera-Southern Highlands, June 7th
- Red Wattlebird-Anthochaera carunculata-Perth, February 9th
- Bar-breasted Honeyeater-Ramsayomis fasciatus-Darwin, August 22nd
- Rufous-banded Honeyeater-Conopophila albogularis-Darwin, August 19th
- Rufous-throated Honeyeater–Conopophila rufogularis-Broome, January 1st
- Dusky Honeyeater-Myzomela obscura-Darwin, August 19th
- Red-headed Honeyeater-Myzomela erythrocephala-Broome, January 12th
- Banded Honeyeater-Cissomela pectoralis-Keep River NP, November 3rd
- Brown Honeyeater–Lichmera indistincta-Broome, January 1st
- New Holland Honeyeater-Phylidonyris novaehollandiae-Perth, February 9th
- Black-chinned Honeyeater-Melithreptus gularis-Broome, January 5th
- Brown-headed Honeyeater-Melithreptus brevirostris-Sydney, May 29th
- White-throated Honeyeater-Melithreptus albogularis-Broome, April 21st
- White-naped Honeyeater-Melithreptus lunatus-Perth, February 10th
- Blue-faced Honeyeater-Entomyzon cyanotis-Kununurra, August 17th
- Helmeted Friarbird-Philemon buceroides-Darwin, August 28th
- Silver-crowned Friarbird-Philemon argenticeps-Timber Creek, August 18th
- Little Friarbird-Philemon citreogulris–Broome, January 1st
- Grey-crowned Babbler–Pomatostomus temporalis-Broome, January 1st
- Spotted Quail-thrush-Cinclosoma punctatum-Southern Highlands, June 3rd
- Eastern Whipbird-Psophodes olivaceus-Sydney, May 29th
- Varied Sittella-Daphoenositta chrysoptera leucoptera-Broome, January 1st
- Varied Sittella-Daphoenositta chrysoptera leucocephala-Southern Highlands, June 9th
- Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike-Coracina novaehollandiae-Broome, January 1st
- White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike-Coracina papuensis–Darwin, August 19th
- White-winged Triller-Lalage sueurii-Broome, January 1st
- Varied Triller-Lalage leucomela–Darwin, August 29th
- Golden Whistler-Pachycephala pectoralis-Sydney, May 30th
- Mangrove Golden Whistler-Pachycephala melanura-Broome, January 1st
- Grey Whistler-Pachycephala simplex-Darwin, September 7th
- Rufous Whistler-Pachycephala rufiventris-Broome, January 1st
- Grey Shrike-Thrush-Colluricincla harmonica-Broome, January 1st
- Australasian Figbird-Sphecotheres vieilloti-Sydney, June 2nd
- Yellow Oriole-Oriolus flavocinctus-Darwin, August 22nd
- Olive-backed Oriole-Oriolus sagittatus-Broome, January 1st
- White-breasted woodswallow-Artamus leucirynchus-Broome, January 1st
- Masked Woodswallow-Artamus personatus-Broome, April 20th
- Black-faced Woodswallow-Artamus cinereus–Broome, January 1st
- Little Woodswallow-Artamus minor–Broome, January 1st
- Black Butcherbird-Cracticus mentalis-Darwin, October 18th
- Grey Butcherbird-Cracticus torquatus-Sydney, May 29th
- Pied Butcherbird-Cracticus nigrogularis-Broome, January 1st
- Australian Magpie-Cracticus tibicen–Broome, January 1st
- Pied Currawong-Strepera graculina-Sydney, May 29th
- Spangled Drongo-Dicrrurus bracteatus-Sydney, May 29th
- Arafura Fantail-Rhipidura dryas-Darwin September 20th
- Grey Fantail-Rhipidura albiscapa-Perth, February 9th
- Mangrove Grey Fantail-Rhipidura phasiana-Broome, January 12th
- Northern Fantail-Rhipidura rufiventris-Broome, January 5th
- Willie-wagtail-Rhipidura leucophrys-Broome, January 1st
- Australian Raven-Corvus coronoides-Perth, February 9th
- Torresian Crow-Corvus orru-Broome, January 1st
- Broad-billed Flycatcher-Myiagra ruficollis-Darwin, August 31st
- Leaden Flycatcher-Myiagra rubecula–Darwin, August 31st
- Shining Flycatcher-Myiagra alecto-Darwin, September 20th
- Paperbark Flycatcher-Myiagra nana-Broome, January 1st
- Magpie-lark-Grallina cyanoleuca-Broome, January 1st
- Apostlebird-Struthidea cinerea-Katherine, November 3rd
- Jacky Winter-Microeca fascinans-Broome, January 1st
- Lemon-bellied Flycatcher-Microeca flavigaster-Broome, January 1st
- Flame Robin-Petroica phoenicea-Sydney, June 16th
- Rose Robin-Petroica rosea-Sydney, May 30th
- Hooded Robin-Melanodryas cucullata-Sydney, May 30th
- Eastern Yellow Robin-Eopsaltria australis-Sydney, May 29th
- Horsefield’s Bushlark-Mirafra javanica-Broome, January 1st
- Golden-headed Cisticola-Cisticola exilis–Broome, January 12th
- Australian Reed-Warbler-Acrocephalus australis-Perth, February 9th
- Brown Songlark-Cincloramphus cruralis-Broome, January 1st
- Yellow White-eye–Zosterrops luteus-Broome, January 5th
- Silver-eye-Zosterops lateralis-Perth, February 9th
- Barn Swallow-Hirundo rustica–Broome, January 1st
- Welcome Swallow-Hirundo neoxena-Perth, February 9th
- Fairy Martin-Petrochelidon ariel-Broome, January 1st
- Tree Martin-Petrochelidon nigricans-Broome, January 1st
- Red-whiskered Bulbul-Pycnonotus jocosus-Sydney, May 30th
- Common Blackbird-Tyrdus merula-Southern Highlands, June 4th
- Common Starling-Sturnus vulgaris-Sydney, May 30th
- Common Myna-Sturnus tristis-Sydney, May 28th
- Mistletoebird-Dicaeum hirundinaceum-Broome, January 1st
- Zebra Finch–Taeniopygia guttata-Broome, January 1st
- Double-barred Finch–Taeniopygia bichenovii-Broome, January 1st
- Long-tailed Finch–Poephila acuticauda-Broome, January 1st
- Crimson Finch-Neochmia phaeton-Kununurra, August 17th
- Red-browed Finch-Neochmia temporalis-Sydney, May 30th
- Beautiful Firetail-Stagonopleura bella-Southern Highlands, June 7th
- Red-eared Firetail-Stagonopleura oculata-Perth, February 10th
- Chestnut-breasted Mannikin-Lonchura castaneothorax-Darwin, August 22nd
- Pictorella Mannikin-Heteromunia pectoralis-Halls Creek, August 17th
- House Sparrow-Passer domesticus-Sydney, June 2nd
- Australasian Pipit-Anthus novaeseelandiae-Broome, January 1st
- Eastern Yellow Wagtail–Motacilla tschutschenis-Broome, January 12th
- European Goldfinch-Carduelis carduelis-Sydney, June 2nd
- Domestic Goose-Ansas ansas domesticus-Southern Highlands, June 3rd
- Muscovy Duck-Anas platyrynchus domesticus-Sydney, May 30th
That’s an incredible list in less than a week! And most are gorgeous birds, too. I think Australia must be the best place in the world for birding.
Thanks Wendy….I think it will quieten off now we have done some serious birding around our local patch! Anywhere that you can see over 100 species in a day has to be good! 🙂
Your list makes me jealous. Besides being envious of the shear number you’ve seen thus far (I think I’ve seen 11 species so far this year, mainly in my city back yard) I look at the names on the list and remember how much I enjoyed seeing some of them and how much I’d like a chance to see the ones I haven’t seen.
Jealous or not, I always enjoy your posts.
Thanks, Katrina and I hope you get to see some of these birds again soon.