If you are a customer of Verizon Wireless you might be disturbed to find out that Verizon Wireless is sponsoring a pro-mountaintop removal rally for Labor Day, a rally organized by Massey Energy, you know, the company that removes mountaintops. No I am not making this up. Featured will be such right-wing luminaries as Faux News host Sean Hannity and aging, off-his-rocker rocker Ted Nugent, to say nothing of Christopher Monckton, an infamous global warming denier and science advisor to the former Prime Minister of England, Margaret Thatcher. More information, and ways to call, text, or email the CEO of Verizon Wireless, are here.
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I just stumbled upon this story as well but from a different source, the Center For Biological Diversity.
I will be putting up a post and a widget for the cause. Thanks for presenting this is such an eloquent way. Faux News, I love that! 😉
Oh geesh…what a line-up of ignorance…I’ll be contacting them…
As a Verizon customer, a fan of Fox News commentary, a political conservative (almost libertarian really), a pro-capitalist, a global warming skeptic, and an “evil” land developer and home builder…I am also an avid birder that believes that conservative thought does not have to be mutually exclusive of conservation efforts.
I won’t pretend to know the depth of the issues at hand related to this rally or the mining methods used for the coal. I just want the contributers of 10,000 Birds to know that I appreciate their voice and work related to conservation.
Name-calling, rather than facts, does tend to weaken your argument with those that do not already agree with you.
@Robert: The only name calling done here was calling Ted Nugent “off his rocker” which, well, considering some of the things Nugent has said and done (check this link), is pretty much too kind. And “Faux News” is a far more accurate way to describe the news network you like than anything else I can come up with.
Thanks for your comment about our conservation work. And if you want to learn more about the horrors of mountaintop removal mining, go here.
Yet another reason why I’m dumping the the buggers as soon as I can.