Whatever weather you experienced this weekend probably resembles your next four months or so, although probably not as extreme. The same applies to your weekend’s birding. Hope you enjoyed it!
Ivy and I took out time scouring the frigid shores of Lake Ontario to snag her first Purple Sandpiper, a perfect harbinger of the long winter to come. Corey got out on Saturday morning for some birding while he puttered around various spots in Queens. He didn’t get any notable rarity but a wide selection of the expected late migrants. His Best Bird of the Weekend was an active Ruby-crowned Kinglet in the coastal scrub on the Rockaway Peninsula that better get moving if it wants to survive the winter!
How about you? What was your best bird of the weekend? Tell us in the comments section about the rarest, loveliest, or most fascinating bird you observed. If you’ve blogged about your weekend experience, you should include a link in your comment.
Jandaya Parakeet
Best bird for me was a Red Phalarope in Union County, Indiana. It was a lifer and to watch that little darling spin and preen was delightful. I wonder how it ended up in Indiana?? Would leave a photo but not sure how to.
I saw the mega for Costa Rica Ruff that was found last week in flooded rice fields. Fortunately, many local birders have had the chance to see it. A very rare species for Costa Rica with just a few documented records.