Just returned from an amazing tour of Tulsa … wildlife rehabilitators, fabulous artists, even an NPR interview with Rich Fisher – all to benefit WING-IT, Tulsa’s dedicated group of rehabbers.
I stayed with renowned writer/artist/rehabber Kim Doner (I call her Whirlwind Kim, with good reason), met up with my longtime rehabber pal Leslie Jackson, missed the globetrotting Shan Goshorn by one day, chatted with raptor rehabbers Kathy and Gary Siftar (who I’d known for years but never met in person), and drove around with (and admired the gorgeous photos of) Tulsa Audubon president John Kenington. I spoke to an enthusiastic group of nature lovers at Oxley Nature Center, two inspiring groups of students at Tulsa’s Holland Hall, and a great crowd of rehab supporters at the Wing-It Fundraiser at the Tulsa Art Center, where some amazingly talented and generous artists donated some of the proceeds from their work to wildlife. And to top it all off, the day before I left Kim drove me to the Grey Snow Eagle House, where we were given a breathtaking tour by Iowa Tribal Elder Victor Roubidoux.
I just arrived home and since I’m too tired to write this week’s post, I’ll speak it instead. More on this trip to come.
Very much enjoyed hearing your voice, Suzi!