What is your favorite bird species?
I don’t have a favorite.
What is your name, and where do you live?
My name is Rolf Nessing, I was born in Berlin (Germany) and now live about 80 km north of Berlin.
Eurasian Bullfinch

What are the main regions or locations you cover as a bird guide?
I am a full-time bird guide, mostly in Berlin and the surrounding area, but also on the Baltic coast. I also offer bird-watching trips to the mass migration of raptors in Georgia (country), Morocco, Romania with the Danube delta, and other countries – see www.vogelzug-reisen.de
How long have you been a bird guide?
I have been working as a full-time bird guide since 1992.
How did you get into bird guiding?
I have been observing birds since 1973 – so it was logical to take up this profession at some point.
Eurasian Nuthatch

What are the aspects of being a bird guide that you like best? Which aspects do you dislike most?
I get to show other people the birds in nature. That’s a lot of fun.
What are the top 5-10 birds in your region that you think are the most interesting for visiting birders?
Goshawks in Berlin, Great Bustards, Lesser-spotted Eagles, River Warbler, and many other birds.
Great Bustard

Can you outline at least one typical birdwatching trip in your area? Please briefly describe the locations, the key birds, and the approximate duration of such a trip
I usually offer the Uckermark region or the Havelland near Berlin.
What other suggestions can you give to birders interested in your area?
It always depends on which bird species you want to watch. Each season has its bird species. You can find a list of birds here: www.birdingberlin.com
Eurasian Penduline Tit

If any reader of 10,000 Birds is interested in birding with you, how can they best contact you?
www.birdingBerlin.com WhatsApp +491723133241
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