Just before we left Victoria and returned home to Broome I was doing one of my regular walks from Foster to Fish Creek. I walked up to the look-out, which is about half way between the two small towns. I stopped to take in the view one last time. Suddenly there was the familiar odd sound of Gang-gang Cockatoos, which we had encountered on Boxing Day last year. The pair of birds flew directly overhead and on towards Fish Creek. I wrote them down in my notebook and walked back down to the trail.
I had not gone far when I could hear a crunching sound. When Gang-gang Cockatoos find food they are not concerned about your presence. It was so nice to get one more look at these magnificent birds before we came home. I wasn’t on a schedule and stopped with them taking numerous photos as they fed and dropped plant matter to the trail below. The male Gang-gang Cockatoo had the most amazing head feathers as you can see.
Male Gang-gang Cockatoo feeding
I am guilty of paying a lot more attention to the male Gang-gang Cockatoo, but I did get some photos of the female bird. She also has curly head feathers, but blends into the environment somewhat compared to the male bird.
Female Gang-gang Cockatoo feeding
The dexterity with which the Gang-gang Cockatoos use with their feet is quite incredible to watch. The trail was littered with discarded nuts and seeds and I often encountered this. Sometimes it was Gang-gang Cockatoos responsible and other times it was Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos, Little Corellas or Galahs. I will never tire of watching these birds feeding!
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