Nothing makes me happier in the midst of spring migration than spending some quality time at the Forest Park waterhole watching a variety of brightly colored birds come in to bathe and drink. This evening after work was particularly pleasing when a variety of wood-warblers were making regular visits, to say nothing of orioles, tanagers, and buntings. But I was really lucky to catch video through my digiscoping rig of both an Indigo Bunting and a Scarlet Tanager preening post toilette. Few birds are as brilliant as this pair and I couldn’t wait to share the videos.
The sirens wouldn’t let me forget I was in an urban environment despite the tranquil view of an Indigo Bunting preening and singing. Amazingly, another ambulance went by as I was filming the Scarlet Tanager below.
What more can a birder ask for? Well, maybe if the female Summer Tanager that made a brief appearance would have posed for its own video. Oh well, I need an excuse to go back again anyway, right?
Oh no, not another season of those pesky colours! I better get outside now and find myself some nice reed warbler…
And after all, only two colours are needed to make an awesome bird: black body, red cap, perched on trunk. Mwahahahahaaaaar