November doesn’t fit any of the conventional narratives of birding seasons. This month doesn’t really resemble the migratory months or the more staid and settled spans of summer and winter. Nonetheless, November can really cook when the birding conditions are just right.
My part of the world in the midst of a glorious winter finch irruption, which meant that Red Crossbill was the star of the show this weekend. I finally chased down what has been a nemesis species for me at Webster Park, which seems to be one of Rochester’s most reliable winter finch hotspots. However, picking these birds out by call in flight leaves me wanting the kinds of views Corey’s been able to muster. He also enjoyed Red Crossbills this weekend, but in Queens, only the second time he’s seen the species in his home borough and the first in over ten years! They are also easily his Best Bird of the Weekend.
How about you? What was your best bird of the weekend? Tell us in the comments section about the rarest, loveliest, or most fascinating bird you observed. If you’ve blogged about your weekend experience, you should include a link in your comment.
White-Necked Picathartes
The other crossbill for me. White-winged Crossbills have been being seen more across Washington State, but I went to where it’s been easy to see them, Mt. Spokane State Park, where just after sunrise before the skiers arrived, both RECR and WWCR foraged in trees near the parking lot for great looks, listens and passable photos.