Once upon a time, bird field guides included nests. This may have been partly a leftover from the Victorian fascination with egg collecting (the...
Two epigraphs open Bernd Heinrich’s White Feathers: The Nesting Lives of Tree Swallows, each so redolent of his work as a whole, not just...
When it comes to nest construction, few if any birds rival the detail put into their nests, like members of the oriole family. Here in...
Earlier this spring I spent some time exploring some parks in Queens that I had never visited before. I know, I know, it is...
The Ospreys have returned to Dunrovin. It’s a gamble every year, of course. When people are invested in identifiable individual birds, there’s always the...
It is not every day that you get to see a hummingbird. It is even rarer to see a hummingbird on its nest, seeing...
The nesting season is underway and people love to put up nest boxes. It seems an easy thing to do, you buy or make...
Pro-tip: If you are a Red-tailed Hawk don’t attack a Bald Eagle on its nest. Such an idea when put into practice will not...
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