Wouldn’t you love to chase New Zealand’s newest family of birds at Mount Taranaki?
The verb hark derives from Proto-Germanic by way of Middle English to urge someone to listen attentively. When we command (and hark is often used in the imperative) others to hark, we are directing them to do more than just hear: we are exhorting them to pay urgent, in-depth attention. Around Christmas, some folks hark the herald angels singing, but those heavenly creatures in the air right now don’t have halos. So hark, migrants are on the move!
Corey and I plan to hearken to whatever choice birds pass through our respective parts of New York State. How about you? Where will you be this weekend and will you be birding? Share your plans in the comments below.
Whatever your plans this weekend, make time to enjoy SkyWatch Friday. Also be sure to come back Monday to share your best bird of the weekend!
I hope to hearken to some nice forest in Costa Rica but since the country’s Independence Day is on Sunday, I will probably be watching some parade with the family.
There are unconfirmed-by-photo-or-pro reports of a possible Magnificent Hummingbird hiding in the woods south of Chicago, so if that becomes more substantial over the next few days, I might chase. (Unlikely whatever it is would have stayed with the north winds we’ve got now, though.) Otherwise, I’ll just check the usual patches along Lake Michigan.