Every person’s calendar includes both busy seasons and fallow periods. Our calendar–the birding calendar–has just shifted into overdrive. In fact, some might argue that, on an international level, this weekend represents one of the zeniths of birding activity and engagement. Saturday, May 5 is Global Big Day, when eBirders around the world strive to collectively encounter as many species as possible. Last year’s Global Big Day accounted for at least 65% of all the bird species on the planet. Are you going to help beat that tally this weekend?
Unfortunately, family commitments are killing my Big Day or any other kind of birding this weekend. I’ll be in NYC hearing migrants flying high above me. Corey, however, will do his best to scoop every species passing through Queens and other more reputable parts of the city.
How about you? Where will you be this weekend and will you be birding? Share your plans in the comments below.
Whatever your plans this weekend, make time to enjoy SkyWatch Friday. Also be sure to come back Monday to share your best bird of the weekend!
Guess I am a bit late, but we spent Saturday morning at Daintree doing a dawn cruise up the river. Sunday, tomorrow, we are going to Michaelmas Cay, on the Geat Barrier Reef to see tern, gulls and waders.