The law of diminishing returns brings the inevitability of repeat sightings and has checked the momentum of the combined beats’ list for June. Despite...
This is an update for the combined yearlist compiled by the beat writers at 10,000Birds. The list is becoming big and cumbersome and difficult...
April was a good month for the list with a couple of our big–hitters weighing in to boost the numbers and The Management engaged...
It is a dream, nay, a mission statement of 10,000 Birds to see as many of the World’s birds as possible. A Strickerian task for...
Another year, another list. That’s January for birding. Coming from Niagara Falls, New York, it also means freezing, bitter cold, watching for imaginary Polar...
Well, another New Year crept up on us once again and once again I will commit to listing on the website! This all started...
My first sight of Greater Scaup for 2016 was in Kaziranga National Park, Assam, India, not in World’s Fair Marina, Queens, N.Y., twelve minutes...
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